IISCO Steel plant crosses production magic figure of 1 MT

18 September 2015

The new blast furnace at IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur crossed the magical figure of producing one million tonne of hot metal on Wednesday, in less than a year of its commissioning.

Christened "Kalyani", the country's largest blast furnace was "blown in" on November 30 last year. Built by POSCO (Engineering and Construction), South Korea and NCC Ltd, India, the furnace has a useful volume of 4160 cubic meters, and can produce about 8,000 tonne of hot metal per day.

With an enhanced campaign life of 20 years, the blast furnace is equipped with systems such as pulverized coal injection, cast house fume extraction, cast house slag granulation, high top pressure operation coupled with top pressure recovery turbine, twin material bin bell-less top, waste heat recovery and conveyor belt charging system. It incorporates level-II automation and has twin flat cast house with four tap holes.

The environment-friendly furnace ensures minimum emissions and recovers waste energy to the fullest and also has a closed-loop cooling system resulting in almost zero water discharge.

