Silver Industry Voices its Ongoing Commitment to Sustainable Development

19 February 2020

WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Silver Institute today released a microsite on its website that addresses the many ways in which the Silver Institute and its members support, embrace and promote sustainable development. It includes a video and information on two critical pillars of sustainable development:

  • The first examines how Silver Institute members, which include some of the most advanced mining and refining companies in the world, use modern, responsible, and sustainable practices while contributing to the social and economic development of the communities where they operate.
  • The second discusses several important silver industrial applications that are central to modern technology and directly related to sustainable development, such as solar power generation, advanced electronics, and healthcare applications.

Sustainable development has never been more important. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which are five years into a 15-year program, are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. The World Bank’s Climate Smart Mining program concludes that metals and minerals, such as silver, will become increasingly critical in a low-carbon future.

Michael Steinmann, President of Pan American Silver Corp. and the current President of the Silver Institute, stated, “The Silver Institute and its members are committed to the highest standards of environmental protection and social and economic development. These sustainable contributions are not only provided by our member’s operations but by the silver we produce. Silver plays a crucial role in an electrified and low carbon future, and the members of the Silver Institute are providing the metal needed to achieve society’s goals for renewable energy production through solar panels and other sustainable technologies.”

Information on the silver industry’s commitment to sustainability can be found on the Silver Institute’s homepage.

Moving forward, the Silver Institute will update its sustainability materials with additional information on its members’ commitment to sustainability, including company case studies and highlighting new green end-uses for silver. 

The Silver Institute is a nonprofit international industry association headquartered in Washington, D.C. Established in 1971, the Institute’s members include leading silver producers, prominent silver refiners, manufacturers, and dealers. The Institute serves as the industry’s voice in increasing public understanding of the value and many uses of silver, including its role in numerous green technologies. For more information on the Silver Institute, please visit

Contact: Michael DiRienzo, The Silver Institute, 202-495-4030

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