Ati Allegheny Ludlum

Ati Allegheny Ludlum

100 River Road Brackenridge PA, 15014. United States

Specialty Rolled Products

Specialty Rolled Products

World-class rolling for specialty materials

Jet engine components, oil pipelines, military armor, and smokestack scrubbers for power plants — all of these diverse products have one thing in common. The material they’re made of originates as specialty sheet, precision rolled strip, or plate from ATI Specialty Rolled Products. It could be high-strength titanium, corrosion-resistant nickel, specialty stainless steel or some other sophisticated alloy, worked into a coil, strip, foil or plate for efficient, high-speed manufacturing.

One of the world's most powerful mills

Whatever the material, there’s a good chance it was hot rolled at ATI’s high-speed, highly automated, extremely precise and repeatable hot rolling and processing facility (HRPF) in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania. One of the world’s most powerful mills, the HRPF can roll stainless and specialty steels and alloys in product mixes and sizes that no other facility can match. It enables us to respond faster, shorten lead times, develop new products to match customers’ changing needs, and manufacture products in unprecedented geometries that augment downstream processing. Coupled with our extensive network of processing and distribution capabilities, the HRPF makes ATI a partner that few other companies in our industry can match.

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