Ferroberica, a protagonist in construction for half a century

16 June 2023

Ferroberica celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. Founded in 1973 and part of the Alfa Acciai Group since 1991, Ferroberica has contributed to the innovation of large reinforced concrete works. The company was founded in Vicenza - where the main production site is still located - with the aim of supporting large construction companies by providing pre-shaped and assembled steel reinforcing bars, and, where required, the ancillary service of installation. This entrepreneurial intuition was immediately rewarded by the market.

The 'Ferroberica model' became a market benchmark with a growing number of clients, orders, and largescale works. In 1991, Ferroberica became part of the Alfa Acciai Group, leader in the production of rebar and wire rod. This move achieved a double result: it made the skills and products of a leading Group available to Ferroberica and it gave the Group led by CEO Amato Stabiumi and President Ettore Lonati the opportunity to create the integrated upstream and downstream ' Italian steel supply chain' consisting of Alfa Acciai, Acciaierie di Sicilia, Tecnofil and, naturally, Ferroberica. A supply chain that is an excellence of the Italian steel industry.

Once part of Alfa Acciai a profound reorganisation entrusted to Managing Director Giorgio Binelle brought Ferroberica into close contact with large construction companies, general contractors, of which it has becomes the operational arm on the pre-shaping and assembly front. With its flexible organisational structure, and the support of numerous external companies, Ferroberica can satisfy every customer's need in terms of quantities, types of works, timing and location - in Italy or abroad – proving to be a competent and reliable partner also in the analysis, planning and initial scheduling phases of building sites.

In line with the guiding principle of downstream integration of the Alfa Acciai Group and to be close to the market, in 2006 Ferroberica opened a new pre-shaping facility in Catania, that processes the bars and coils produced by the sister company Acciaierie di Sicilia. This entrepreneurial vision led to the start-up of a new production site in Sedegliano (Udine) in 2016 and Montirone (Brescia) in 2020. The latter is the most technological and automated shaping plant in the world. The accelerated development of those years was complemented by the focus on international markets and the opening of two foreign branches in 2020.

Ferroberica's overall production capacity amounts to 400,000 tonnes per year. The exclusive use of steel produced by Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia, together with the compliance with all national and international regulatory requirements, are a guarantee of reliability and traceability for construction companies and end customers. Ferroberica is also at the forefront of sustainability and circular economy. In particular, in a logic of industrial process integration from scrap to construction site, EPD’s have recently been introduced for Ferroberica products from each of its production centres, together with the Carbon Footprint of the entire Group.

Many works have seen the light of day thanks to Ferroberica's design and production support and expertise, both in Italy and abroad, including major infrastructural works such as the new Brescia-Verona and Verona-Vicenza HS/HC railway line; the Naples-Bari HS/HC line; the Reggio Emilia High Speed Railway Station; the Pedemontana Veneta superhighway; the third lane of the A4 Venice-Trieste motorway; the Frejus tunnel; MOSE, and many others. But also, large and iconic buildings, designed by great archistars, that are changing the skyline of large cities, such as the PWC tower by architect Libeskind in Milan City Life (link for the latest completed works).

Ferroberica ended 2022 with a turnover of EUR 280 million. Currently 135 people are employed at the four operational sites, who, with their expertise and passion, are the real protagonists of the success of these first fifty years. This is why Ferroberica has decided to celebrate its first half-century with them and their families.

Giorgio Binelle, CEO of Ferroberica :

"Over the course of these fifty years of activity, and in particular joining the Alfa Acciai Group in 1991, Ferroberica has been able to innovate its approach to the construction of major works, creating a veritable operational management model, focused on efficiency and innovation. The experience of our workforce, openness to innovation, and the financial, industrial and production strength of our mother company have allowed us to become a leader in the pre-shaping and assembly of rebar".

Andrea Biasi, Technical and Sales Director of Ferroberica:

"Today, our approach to the construction site is focused on large-scale prefabrication, with the support of specialised external consultants. This allows us to propose innovative solutions in the bidding phase, which can also be applied to large structures, reducing execution times, optimising the use of resources, and increasing workers' safety ".
d emissions, and increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in the energy supply mix.

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