Allegheny Technologies

Allegheny Technologies

1000 Six PPG Place Pittsburgh, PA 15222

AboutAllegheny Technologies

About ATI

Through our extraordinary materials science and advanced, integrated process excellence, ATI  creates new specialty materials, then shapes them to meet our customers’ need for ultimate performance and long-term value.  

Solving the World’s Challenges through Materials Science

When the challenge is searing heat, crushing stress, blistering corrosion, or all of the above, we earn the right to be a customer’s first call. For more than a hundred years, we’ve been meeting these challenges for customers whose systems need to fly higher, dig deeper, stand stronger, and last longer — anywhere on, above, or below the earth. 

Our materials enable our customers — and in some cases our customers’ customers — to do amazing things, from operating jet engines at 2800 degrees to equipping our nation's defense to safely and efficiently transporting highly corrosive liquids and exhaust streams to enabling life-changing medical insights. We strive to be a flawless performer, earning the first call when there are opportunities to expand our share.

Our materials have had a critical role in delivering: 

  • Every new generation of aircraft in the last fifty years. 
  • Every generation of jet engine, from its earliest days, to present and future designs that push the limits of power, fuel efficiency and reliability. 
  • Armor for protecting people and equipment from the ever-evolving threat of deadly explosive weapons. 
  • Advanced materials that enable oil and gas exploration to take place deeper under the sea, further into extreme environments, and in applications that recover new energy from older, depleted, highly corrosive wells. 
  • Clean energy solutions that range from flexible solar panels to wind turbines, nuclear reactors and scrubbers for conventional power plants. 
  • High-precision, low-cost stainless steel that protects, strengthens and beautifies thousands of everyday devices including appliances and automobiles. 
  • Medical miracles that range from superconducting wire for MRI machines to implantable stents and artificial joints that save and improve thousands of lives every day. 
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