Columbia Steel Casting Co., Inc

Columbia Steel Casting Co., Inc

10425 N. Bloss Ave., Portland, OR 97203

AboutColumbia Steel Casting Co., Inc

Where is Columbia Steel located?

Columbia Steel Casting Co., Inc. is in Portland, Oregon, USA. We are near the historic St. Johns neighborhood, and adjacent to the Columbia Slough wetlands. Our street address is 10425 N. Bloss Avenue, Portland, OR 97203. Regular postal mail should be sent to P.O. Box 83095, Portland, OR 97283.

What do you manufacture there?

Columbia Steel manufactures a wide variety of steel and iron parts for basic industry. These are replacement parts for high-wear applications, such as those that take abuse from abrasion, impact, or heat in rock crushers, grinding mills, mine shovels and draglines, electric power plants, cement plants, and metal and waste recycling shredders. We are a vertically integrated manufacturer with all the departments in-house to engineer and manufacture castings. 

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