23-25, Gulmohar Kubera Industrial Complex.
Salunkhe Vihar Road, Wanawadi,
Pune 411 040, Maharashtra, India.


Starting as an indenting agency house in 1981, the two companies operating under the Ferrocare umbrella, have come a long way.

The initial focus was to introduce Japanese companies who had a small exposure to the Indian market. Indian manufacturers were at that time, westward looking. ‘Maruti’ was a new name and Japanese products or companies were hardly known. We look back with pride and amazement at the rapid pace of change in the Indian market and our tiny contribution in the change process.

We operate today, from a network of offices, representatives and agents in every major industrial cluster in the country. Our products are used in a diverse range of industries from steel, aluminium and copper, power generation, plastics processing, automobile components and ancillaries, medical syringes to missiles, aircraft to ships.

Our products, whether produced in India or sourced internationally, are well received. The pre and after sales service we provide, have helped us to maintain a special position in the hearts and minds of our customers.

It is the continuous support, help and goodwill of our customers, which has helped us reach where we are. We strive to be what our customers want us to be.

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