Steel Projects

Steel Projects

Rue des Frères
38200 Vienne France
Steel Projects

Steel Projects

Rue des Frères Lumière 38200 Vienne

AboutSteel Projects

We help steel fabricators be more productive through the design, development, support and maintenance of our Intelligent Steel Fabrication Software: Steel Projects PLM. Our focus is on improving efficiency where it matters: On the shop floor. We are specialists in developing solutions that enable steel fabricators to:

  • • Plan and schedule by digitally fabricating projects before they begin
  • • Get reliable, accurate and up to date information from the detailing office
  • • Create an integrated shop that links material handling with equipment and workstations
  • • Manage change seamlessly
  • • Adjust production on the fly to maximize equipment utilization or avoid bottlenecks
  • • Easily track and record progress and share it as needed with clients

Our customers enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing their shop is maximizing use of its resources and operating as efficiently as it can be; with improved material flow and increased man-hour efficiencies.

AboutSteel Projects

About Steel Projects

STEEL PROJECTS is a French company that has been editing and marketing software solutions for steel manufacturers since 1994. We offer a complete, digitalized and optimized management of steel fabricators’ workshops, Industry 4.0 compatible! Today, our ambition is to remain one of the world leaders in this field.

A worldwide company


Although Steel Projects is a human-sized company, it is also a global company. Our head office is based in France, south of Lyon, and we also have offices in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Italy and Spain. In addition, we are close to our customers all over the world thanks to the network of Ficep subsidiaries. Finally, more than 2,000 customers in over 90 countries have placed their trust in us since the company was founded in 1994!

A FICEP Group Company

Steel Projects is the software division of the FICEP Group. World’s leading manufacturer of CNC machines for metal fabricators since 1930, Ficep is an Italian company based north of Milan. Having understood the importance of digital technology to enhance the performance of their machines, FICEP acquired the capital of Steel Projects in 2012, after many years of collaboration.


A long-lasting partnership with Microsoft

Steel Projects is a Microsoft Gold Partner, which means that our developments and developers are up to the standards of this major IT player.

In addition to business expertise, we offer you IT expertise, guaranteeing you reliable and technically efficient solutions.


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